Cyber War Between Bangladesh & India (Exclusive Report)
We all may be aware of ongoing cyber war between India and Bangladesh. Where thousands of sites get penetrated. Various cyber media from both countries covers the story. In this cyber war Pakistani hackers also contributed in behalf of Bangladesh. In their report both Hackers Media & TSR said the hackers group from India named Indishell officially declared the cyber war and hacked 6 high profile Bangladesh sites & Govt sites. Later in addition they have attacked more than 100 BD govt sites. In counter attack both Bangladesh Cyber Army (BCA) and 3xp1r3 Cyber Army has more than 850 Indian sites. The hackers also hit National Informatics Centre (NIC), NDTV and many other Indian Govt and other important sites. Hackers from Bangladesh (BCA) also performed massive DDoS attack on many Indian Govt sites. In a pastebin release hacker posted those target site list. Later it was the turn of Pakistan. Dangerous hacker from Paksitan named Shadow008 with another hacker named H4x0rL1f3 hacked more than 2K Indian sites. The hackers claimed that the main object was to hit Indian cyber fence & to defend Bangladeshi hackers in this ongoing cyber war. The list of those hacked sites can be found on a pastebin release. Earlier we have seen such cyber war between India & Pakistan, Israel & Saudi Arabia, KHS & German Hackers and so on. But this is the 1st time when India & Bangladesh fought against each other.
