#OpPhilippines -Anonymous Hacked & Defaced Several Philippine Govt Sites
When the topic or act of Internet surveillance or Internet privacy rises its head, every time the Hacktivist group Anonymous stand against it. Earlier the world seen not only Anonymous but also hackers from different of the world joined in the protest against controversial act like SOPA, PIPA, ACTA or CISPA. Quit similar scenario happens to Philippines, as soon as the anti-cybercrime law get passed, immediately hackers shown a massive protest against it. The cyber fence of Philippine was heavily disturbed since Wednesday. At the very first stage of the attack the hacker group calling themselves "Anonymous Philippines" targeted several government, civil society and other private websites of Philippine and defaced them. This ongoing cyber attack against Philippine have been dubbed as Operation Philippine (#OpPhilippines)
As of Wednesday midnight, the website of Bangko Sentralng Pilipinas, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, the American Chamber of Commerce, and the Philippine Anti-Piracy Team succumbed to the cyber-attacks. The websites of the anti-smoking campaign unit of the Department of Health and think tank Institute for Development and Econometric Analysis followed suit, bringing to six the number of websites attacked. One hactivist announced the challenge to commit cyber-crime in social networking site Facebook by a user #pR.isOn3r. The post hinted in its footnote that the BSP website was a target.
“Challenge Accepted,” the hacktivist said. “If speaking up against idiocy in government and unconstitutional amendments is a crime, then I am PROUD TO BE A CYBER CRIMINAL.”
“We are anonymous. We are Legion. United as one. Divided by none,” the hacktivist said. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us. Expect us.”
This attack followed by few more Govt sites and they are- National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Philippine Information Agency (PIA) and the Food Development Center sites.
Message of the Hacker on Deface Page:-
“This domain name associated with GOV.PH has been seized pursuant to an order issued by Anonymous Philippines,
“A federal grand jury has indicated several individuals and entities allegedly involved in the operation of this website / department / office charging them with the following federal crimes: Conspiracy, Violations of Human Rights, Corruption, Copyright infringement, Money Laundering, PIRACY, Misuse of Devices, Libel, Plagiarism, and Destruction of Freedom of Speech.”
The attack is yet not over, The government portal of Philippine also faced cyber attack. A twitter account which is recognized as one of of legitimate of source of hacker collective anonymous, took responsibility of engaging denial of service (DoS) attack against www.gov.ph
"Anonymous Operation Philippines | Target: DOWN | http://www.gov.ph | #Anonymous #OpPhilippines #FuckTheCyberCrimeLaw #Freedom |" said the hacker, in his twitter
-Source (inquirer.net)

Anonymous Philippines
cyber attack