Posted by Avik Sarkar
On 4/26/2011 12:53:00 am

rmitage is a graphical cyber attack management tool for Metasploit that visualizes your targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced capabilities of the framework. Armitage aims to make Metasploit usable for security practitioners who understand hacking but don’t use Metasploit every day. If you want to learn Metasploit and grow into the advanced features, Armitage can help you.“
This is the change log:
- Added a check to prevent jerk faces from entering an empty nick in collaborative mode.
- Fixed a potential dead-lock condition with the screenshot/webcam shot tab.
- Armitage -> Listeners -> Reverse now binds to
- Host import now posts an event to the collab mode shared event log
- Added an option to display an MOTD message to clients that connect to Armitage in the collaboration mode. Use -m or –motd before –server and specify a file, e.g.:
armitage -m /path/to/motd.txt --server ...
Clients will see this message when they connect.
Added Meterpreter -> Access -> Pass Session to send a meterpreter session to a handler set up on another host.
Armitage now sets ExitOnSession to false for multi/handlers started within Armitage.
Pivoting and ARP Scan dialogs now highlight first option by default.
Added a sanity check to the Route class to prevent malformed IPs from screwing up sorting.
Removed sqlite3 from the database options. I should have done this long ago–it has no place in Armitage.
Armitage now intercepts meterpreter “shell” command and opens a new tab with the cmd.exeinteraction in it.
Download Armitage 04.24.11 (
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