Twitter has quickly become one of the largest of the social networks that there are in the world and with that being the case it’s always susceptible wrong doing much the same as other social networks such as Facebook. You only have to look at whenCharlie Sheen joined Twitter; he received 800,000 followers at an amazing rate.
Some of the accounts that we have seen compromised in recent times include Ashton Kutcher and also Lil Wayne who was forced to delete his account following hacking. Today we wanted to tell you about a new victim, his name is Kian Egan. His Twitter account has been hacked and he has told fans that he isn’t leaving Westlife.
Westlife is one of the most successful bands that I have seen; they were put together by Louis Walsh who continues to manage them. Kian Egan’s account was hacked and his 70,000 followers were informed that he was leaving the band. His tweet reads “Got a very sad announcement everyone, I am leaving Westlife to concentrate on managing Wonderland. I haven’t taken this decision lightly… The boys are going to continue as a Three Piece… I am leaving.”
Because the tweet came from his Twitter page which as say but othermembers tried to calm things down by revealing that Kian wasn’t leaving and that his profile had indeed been hacked.
