Graffiti-makers have targeted traffic control signs throughout the town of Bedford over the last week and damaged about 15 of them, said police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dickan.
Defaced signs have been discovered on South Road, Harris Road and Croton Lake Road in Katonah; Bisbee Lane in Bedford Hills and Pines Bridge Road in Bedford Corners, among other areas.
The signs were tagged with the letters “SMET” and “SMEF.” Tags can be a personalized signature or style of a particular artist or group, according to Dickan.
“We always see an uptick in this sort of criminal mischief when the weather gets nicer,” he said. “It becomes costly for the town to clean, repaint and replace signs. If residents see anyone loitering around signs, particularly in the evening or overnight hours when these incidents tend to occur, they can contact us."
The police department can be reached at (914) 241-3111.