The Live Hacking project, led by Dr. Ali Jahangiri, is pleased to announce an updated version of its security orientated Linux distribution the “Live Hacking DVD”. Designed for penetration testing and ethical hacking, the new release has updated over 140 packages including Metasploit and Firefox.
The Live Hacking Linux distribution is a ‘Live DVD’ meaning that it boots and runs directly from the DVD without needing to be installed on your hard disk. Once it starts you can use the included utilities to perform penetration tests and ethically hack on your own network to ensure that it is secure from outside intruders.
New in this release is Metasploit Framework 3.6 which can be used to test your network using the framework’s internal database of known weaknesses and exploits. New to V3.6 are post-exploitation modules that can be run on exploited systems to perform actions such as gathering additional information, pivoting to other networks and elevating system privileges. V3.6 also adds 15 new exploits making a total of 648 exploit modules, 342 auxiliary modules and 23 post modules.
“The Live Hacking Linux distribution has been a great success. It is downloaded on average 50 times per day and we have had over 4,500 downloads in the first three months of this year alone.” said Dr. Ali Jahangiri the project leader. “We are keen to keep the distro up to date and we are planning to add more features and tools in the future.”
The Live Hacking DVD is part of the Live Hacking family which includes the LiveHacking.com security and penetration testing website. LiveHacking.com is an essential resource for security professionals and those wishing to educate themselves about security. The web site has security related news, features and articles plus educational videos about using some of the security tools found on the Live Hacking DVD.
LiveHacking.com also has information about Dr. Jahangiri’s book “Live Hacking: The Ultimate Guide to Hacking Techniques & Countermeasures for Ethical Hackers & IT Security Experts”, as well as details of the Live Hacking Workshops which Dr Jahangiri runs internationally, to introduce IT professionals to the world of ethical hacking.
