This tool was originally written to demonstrate and exploit IE’s vulnerability to a specific “basicConstraints” man-in-the-middle attack. While Microsoft has since fixed the vulnerability that allowed leaf certificates to act as signing certificates, this tool is still occasionally useful for other purposes. New and improved sslsniff version 0.6 is released!
sslsniff is designed to MITM all SSL connections on a LAN and dynamically generates certs for the domains that are being accessed on the fly. The new certificates are constructed in a certificatechain that is signed by any certificate that is provided.
sslsniff has also been updated to support the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) attacks. sslsniff is for security experts and testers to check your SSL encryption and unknown vulnerabilities which we come across. Use this tool before implementing while implementing and after implementing phase of web sites SSL certificates. It has the following dependencies:
- arp-spoof (Get it from Dug Song’s website)
- openssl
- libboost1.35-dev
- libboost-filesystem1.35-dev
- libboost-thread1.35-dev
- liblog4cpp5-dev
