Many news stories about Internet safety today focus on children and teens, the fact is that adults have several risks when they go online.
Crimes such as sexual predation don't just happen to young people; criminals don't only hang out in teen social networking sites; and an adult's personal and financial information and buying habits are of great value in the Internet's underground economy.
Your Privacy
You can never be sure who you are chatting with online. The friendly fellow movie fan or book lover in an online forum may actually be a clever criminal looking for his next cyber crime victim.
How can you have fun online while protecting yourself?
* Do not post information that will identify you, including:
* Your full name.
* Your home address or phone number.
* Passwords.
* Credit card or bank account numbers.
* Names of family members or friends.
* Your workplace or favourite hangout, or the names of your clubs or organizations
* Historical information that could identify your past residences.
* Do not use a nickname that can be used to identify you
* Never share your account password.
Protect Your Computer System
* Shut down your computer when it is not in use -- especially in public places.
* Keep your antivirus and anti-spy ware programmes, other software and operating systems updated to protect against new attacks.
* Consider using a firewall on your system to protect against hackers accessing your system remotely.feing Blogs, Chat Rooms, EInstant MessagFast friendships are forged over the Internet -- and there is no doubt that casual, online conversations sometimes are the foundation of good, lasting relationships. However, the anonymity of the Internet may compel some individuals to reveal too much about their private lives or to make hurtful comments or accusations they would never make in person.
* Think about how your e-mail message will be read by others. Do not say anything online that is cruel or may damage someone's reputation.
* Do not give out personal information about someone else.
* Do not forward another individual's e-mail without their permission.
* Never allow anyone to photograph you in an embarrassing or compromising situation.
* Never post anything that would cause you embarrassment or shame.
* Do not send photos of yourself or family members to Internet acquaintances.
* Do not post or forward nude pictures of yourself or anyone else.
Social Networking
Be Smart, Be Safe: Meeting someone you met online
Individuals misrepresent themselves online. Often the lies are small and harmless. But sometimes they are not.
Here are some basic safety tips
* Speak by phone before agreeing to a meeting. Often, hearing an individual's voice and engaging in verbal conversation is very revealing.
* Learn as much as you can about the individual and verify that information.
* Do not go alone. Take along a trusted friend.
* Arrange to meet in a public place -- a restaurant, a coffee shop or even a museum.
Should you need more information on employee theft or if you have information pertaining to any crime, please do not hesitate to contact the police at 919 or Crime Stoppers at 328-tips (New Providence), 1-300-8476 (Family Island)
