SAMHAIN v2.8.4 is now available

The samhain open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) provides file integritychecking and logfile monitoring/analysis, as well as rootkit detection, port monitoring, detection of rogue SUID executables, and hidden processes.
It has been designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different operating systems, providing centralized logging and maintenance, although it can also be used as standalone application on a single host.

Difference between the previous version and the new one:-

  • Some bugs have been fixed that under certain circumstances would cause samhain to hang or crash when reloading the configuration file.
  • A compile error in the samhain_hide.ko kernel module has been fixed. However, it has been found that this module will not work anymore with recent kernels because of protection measures introduced in newer kernel.
  • A contributed patch for has been included (allows to specify the location of the secret keyring).
  • The (l)stat timeout has been increased to fix spurious timeouts under heavy load.
  • The Apache logfile parser has been enhanced to allow the insertion of arbitrary regexes into the format definition.
  • New options PortcheckMinPortPortcheckMaxPort allow to define the port range for the openports check (requested feature).
Download SAMHAIN v2.8.4 (samhain-current.tar.gzhere


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