If your laptop goes missing or is stolen, don't worry. A new software will not only help you trace it, but also spy on the thief and provide you his confidential information. A student of M S University ( MSU) has developed first-of-its-kind software that monitors all the activities of the thief on the laptop and report them to its owner.
While hundreds of laptop tracking softwares are available in market, Bhaumik Merchant , a third year student of BE (computers) at Faculty of Technology and Engineering, has gone a step ahead to make it tougher for laptop thieves. Merchant has developed the software as part of his academic project and will launch it in next couple of months. Though he can mint good money by selling the software, Merchant has decided to distribute it for free.
"The tracking software currently available in market helps us to trace the stolen laptop and track the thief by finding out IP address. I thought of developing a software that will turn the tables on the thief," Merchant, an ethical hacker, told TOI.
"This software gets activated the moment the thief goes online. It helps the laptop owner in monitoring everything that the thief types on the pages including his email ID and passwords. The owner can easily track down the thief, get information of all the activities and emails done by him apart from his contacts and passwords," Merchant said.
Merchant's software will also delete the operating system in the laptop and delete all the data in such a manner that it cannot be retrieved. "One has to feed two email ids in the software that works in stealth mode. One id keeps monitoring the laptop activities while the other comes into action when the instrument is stolen. If your laptop gets stolen, you just have to send an email stating 'stolen' on the second id and the software will start doing its work," explained Merchant, who is planning to attend Hactivity, an ethical hacking event organised in Hungary later this year.
"Such software makes life easy for us as we are able to track thieves quickly and return laptops to their rightful."
