Tracker Software Products, Ltd has just partnered with Spoon, a cloud computing and virtualization technology company, to offer its PDF and image viewing programs as cloud-based products. In other words, this means that Tracker Software's programs can now be used from any Windows-based computer in the world, as long as it has Internet access. No installation required! All a user needs to do is log on to Tracker Software's website and download the Spoon plugin. This will allow the user to access any Spoon-based products online in addition to Tracker Software's PDF viewers.
Many businesses and professionals are making the switch to cloud-based programs due to the increased versatility, flexibility, and productivity. Additionally, cloud-based programs use less processing power, take up less hard drive space and tend to be better for a company's bottom line. By centralizing processing on the server side rather than the client side, Tracker Software assures users that they don't have to worry about ensuring that their version of software is up-to-date. When run from the cloud, programs are accessible with a single click, they don't take up valuable computer capacity, and any errors or bugs are easily fixed.
Both the free and the professional versions of Tracker Software's PDF-XChange Viewer are available in the new virtualized cloud-based format. These programs allow for easy manipulation and annotation using the most feature-rich PDF viewer currently on the market today. While most people use Adobe to view PDF files, they often run into problems due to a buggy interface, lack of editing capability, non-intuitive design and poor customer support. PDF-XChange allows you to export PDF files to images, to add textual content and extract text, to add security/encryption, to mark up a page with pictures snapped to the grid, to create new documents, to add digital signatures and much more, all through an easy-to-use interface.
This interface has since been put up on the cloud. The basic functionality remains the same, except users may find that the online PDF viewer is faster and doesn't lag the computer quite as much. Additionally, customer support is likely to be faster in the event of a bug, and new features will be added all the time without the need for additional downloads. This change in basic framework will, according to Tracker Software, be the basis for future improvements further down the line.
In other words, the new Online PDF Viewer Cloud Applications don't offer significant change in what you can do right now, but the improved productivity will provide a level of increased ease that wasn't there before. Instead of new features, the skeleton of the program is getting a rework to be better suited for modern computing. More and more companies are going the way of the cloud and virtual machines, because keeping one hundred copies of PDF-XChange Viewer for business purposes, for instance, is inefficient and wasteful according to proponents of the technology.
When it comes to providing PDF software to businesses and professionals worldwide, Tracker Software has been rated by many analysts as one of the best in the industry. They have consistently been on the forefront of technological development, and this latest move proves that they will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.
About Tracker Software
Tracker Software Products, Ltd develops PDF and imaging software, with products including a free PDF reader and a TIFF creator. With sales offices in Canada and the UK and development offices in the USA and Ukraine, Tracker provides document/imaging applications and developer toolkits to professionals around the world. Tracker Software products conform to ISO-maintained PDF specifications, originally defined and extended by Adobe.
About Spoon
Spoon is one of the leading developers of virtualization technologies and cloud computing, meant to connect data, applications and processing power to users instantly, anywhere. Spoon products are available online at, from third party sites through Spoon Feeds, and from within private clouds by way of Spoon Server.
Spoon and Spoon-related products are used by industry leaders in a variety of fields, from education, government and health care to entertainment, finance and information technology. Satisfied customers include Novell, Namco Networks, Autodesk, Core Learning, the U.S. Marine Corps and thousands of software developers around the world
