An Alleged Lulzsec Member has been Arrested By FBI

Earlier in January, the FBI agents have performed searches of more than 40 residents across the U. S., however, no arrest results were announced following those searches. Afterwards, a team of investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have raided a natives’ home in Hamilton, suspected as a member of hacker group LulzSec . However, the FBI Spokesman has refused to utter any further details while confirming the search. Sources have claimed that arrested man is an alleged LulzSec member.
Additionally, British Police in collaboration with FBI have made around seven arrests, this particular year, including 19-years-old Ryan Cleary followed by LulzSec. During the last week, the prosecutors have charged him with five different cyber offences when authorities accused him for infecting computers as an attempt to establish a computer network, botnet, and make its use to launch online attacks against various websites including Serious Organised Crime Agency, organization similar to FBI.


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