The official website of CID (Criminal Investigation Department) Westbengal, Govt. of India is Vulnerable. Hitcher & Mìstâ Hâxôr from Team PCF (Paksitan Cyber Force) found both SQL-i and XSS vulnerability on this site. They also leaked some sensitive data from this site.The official website of CID (Criminal Investigation Department) is Vulnerable & Sensitive Data Leeked
One of the leeked Message:-
>>>>>>>>>::::::__Message from DGP CID West Bengal Following__::::::>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Recognizing the seriousness of cyber threats, CID West Bengal has developed a Cyber Crime Unit under the Special Operation Group (SOG). For Scientific Analysis of such threats a Computer Crime Analysis Lab (CCAB) has also been set up. This Lab will have the ability to handle cases pertaining to hacking, spread of virus, pornography, manipulation of accounts, alteration of data, software piracy, creation of false websites, printing of counterfeit currency, forged visas, theft of intellectual property, email spamming, denial of access, password theft, crimes with cell phones and palmtops, cyber terrorism and the transmission of secret codes concealed in pictures...." The fight against Cyber Crime requires the highest level of expertise. However, in addition to this there should be awareness among members of public about seriousness of Cyber Crime. It is with this objective that the CID Website has been created."
Vulnerable Website:-
Vulnerable Link (SQL-i):-
Vulnerable Link (XSS):-
For More Info Click HERE
