Back Track 5 R1 (Penetration Testing Distribution) released. According to the earlier press release BT development team said that BT5 R1 will be available on the 10th of this month but due to some security update and other reason they delay the time and finally released the Release 1 of BT5 on the 18th of August. In this edition 120 bugs has been fixed along with that 30 new tools are added in this version. Also BT team updated 70 tools in this edition of Back Track. The kernel was also updated to and includes the relevant injection patches.
According to Back Track Team:-
"We’re finally ready to release BackTrack 5 R1. This release contains over 120 bug fixes, 30 new tools and 70 tool updates. We will be rolling out some howto’s on our wiki in the next few days, such as VMWare tool installation, alternate compat-wireless setups, etc. The kernel was updated to and includes the relevant injection patches. As usual, please report bugs to us through our redmine ticket system for the fastest response. Don’t forget to also check our forums and wiki (will be updated in the next few days).
We are really happy with this release, and believe that as with every release, this is our best one yet. Some pesky issues such as rfkill in VMWare with rtl8187 issues have been fixed, which provides for a much more solid experience with BackTrack.
We’ve released Gnome and KDE ISO images for 32 and 64 bit (no arm this release, sorry!), as well as a VMWare image of a 32 bit Gnome install, with VMWare Tools pre-installed.
We’ve released Gnome and KDE ISO images for 32 and 64 bit (no arm this release, sorry!), as well as a VMWare image of a 32 bit Gnome install, with VMWare Tools pre-installed.
Lastly, I would like to thank the whole BackTrack team for pulling off the late nights working on this release, as well as Offensive Security for funding all of this stuff. If you need real world Penetration Testing Training – head on over to Offensive-Security and get ready for a bumpy ride!..."
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