The rekonq development team has released version 0.8 of rekonq, the KDE web browser. The browser is based on Qt's QtWebKit, and, according the project's home page, aims to be "light, fast & clean", avoiding competing with KDE's more feature-rich web browser, Konqueror. Rekonq is the default web browser in Kubuntu, and has been included with KDE's Extragear collection since May 2010.
- AdBlock: Third Party rules support
- Custom urlbar context menu (paste & go action, …)
- Set editable
- Restore tab’s history
- UI changes (in rekonq menu)
- Quit closes app (and added option to close window by closing last tab)
- Use KParts to view page source
- “click” mechanism to manage favorites
- “Do Not Track” feature
- History, time first visit added
- Tab messages using KMessageWidget
- Improved drag’n'drop
- vi style navigation (optional)
- ctrl + number favorites shortcuts
- SSL UIs rewamped
To download rekonq 0.8 Click Here