winAUTOPWN v2.8

winAUTOPWN and bsdAUTOPWN are minimal Interactive Frameworks which act as a frontend for quick systems vulnerability exploitation. It takes inputs like IP address, Hostname, CMS Path, etc. and does a smart multi-threaded portscan for TCP ports 1 to 65535. Exploits capable of giving Remote Shells, which are released publicly over the Internet by active contributors and exploit writers are constantly added to winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN. A lot of these exploits are written in scripting languages like python, perl and php. Presence of these language interpreters is essential for successful exploitations using winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN. Exploits written in languages like C, Delphi, ASM which can be compiled are pre-compiled and added along-with others. On successful exploitation winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN gives a remote shell and waits for the attacker to use the shell before trying other exploits. This way the attacker can count and check the number of exploits which actually worked on a Target System. winAUTOPWN is used to autohack your targets with least possible interaction.

Features and bugs fixed in winAUTOPWN v2.8:-
  • Added one more commandline parameter -targetOS for list of operating Systems which winAUTOPWN asks to select for the target.
  • Added a few ruby exploits which require ‘socket’ alone for interpretation. Hence, winAUTOPWN now requires ruby installed as well, just like perl, python and php.
  • Added support for Reverse cmd Shellcode, shellcodes for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris as well.
  • Added an external module called mod_shellcode which aids in selecting and changing the type of shellcode for any scripted (uncompiled) exploit.

To Download winAUTOPWN v2.8 Click Here


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