Anonymous Exposed Personal Details of 16K Fins (#Op Justice El Salvador)

Yesterday we told that Online "hacktivist" group Anonymous has attacked the websites of El Salvador's presidency and government ministries. Later in "Operation Justice El Salvador" Anon hacked and exposed the private informations of 16K members application database containing personal data of some applicants from all around the country. 

In the official Release Anon Said:-

"We have no tolerance for any group based on racial, sexual and religion discrimination as well as for all the people belonging to them and sharing their ideologies, which is the reason why we decided to carry out last Monday's attack"

Before Anonymous took responsibility for the leak, it was unknown how the published data was collected. But the hacker organization says that it has "externally supported the hacking of several Finnish websites' databases containing personal and sensitive info of thousands of citizens residing in Finland."The reason behind the hacks? "We care about digital security and We decided to see whether Finnish authorities, companies and institutions offer their users a proper security and safely treat and store their info," they wrote. "Sadly, We found out they never did. Getting into websites and databases was as easy as cutting butter with a knife: all We have used were elementary SQL injections, something everyone can do by simply searching for an SQL injection manual on the web."
Anonymous posted all the exposed credentials on 4 separate pastebin links. Later all those links removed for security reason.


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