Well known hackers group Team Greyhat (TGH) has found serious Security flaws in Facebook. According to TGH using that vulnerability an attacker can hijack any facebook group by removing the original Admin. They have named it "G00d3y" vulnerability. Core team member from TGH (R00t3r-tgh, X-terminal, Th3-R00t3r, Hunt009s, Skywalk3r, eRr00r, Zer0) has also written an exploit based on java script which is penetrating that newly found FB flaws. Recently Team Greyhat also hijacked and hacked the official Facebook Group of Hindustan Cyber Army by using G00d3y Exploit.
The above screen shots is clearly saying that TGH has hijacked the Hindustan Cyber Army group. They have replace the group logo and defaced the group by uploading their own photo. Also there they have clearly declared that the group has been hacked.For more information about this hack & to see the TGH official release click Here
Due to security reason VOGH is not publishing the exploit. Facebook security team has also been informed by TGH.We also want to state that if Facebook does not pay attention then this newly found G00d3y Exploit can be cyber weapon for hijacking Facebook Groups.
