BJP Leader Mr. Nagaraj Shetty's bank account get hacked. As per report cyber criminals have hijacked his 4 bank accounts and sum amounting to Rs 4 lakh was been transferred to a bank account at Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. Following complaint by Shetty, Bunder North Police Inspector Vinay Goankar ensured that the Moradabad account was frozen by informing bank authorities there. Goankar said steps are being taken to reverse the transfer of money done on line. The account to which the money was transferred is held by one Anil Dil Singh. Goankar, the investigating officer IT related offences, said verification process is on to find out whether Singh is the actual account holder, who introduced him to the bank etc. Few days earlier THA Disastar, a hacker from The Hackers Army has hacked and defaced the official website of BJP Karnataka. And this time one of BJP leader's bank account get hacked. So we can easily predict that BJP has became a common target of cyber criminals.