Hacktivist Anonymous has called operation Blitzkrieg (#OpBlitzkrieg) and this operation they have targeted German's new site, Nazi-leaks.net. They claim having personal information captured from a variety of extreme right wing websites. A Tweet message when trying to log onto Nazi website claimed: "We wish all Nazis a good start to the New Year." According to Operation Blitzkrieg by the hackers, also 15 websites were closed that were linked to Germany's neo-Nazi National Democratic Party. Nazi-leaks.net claim that its account has been suspended. As usually, Anonymous group spread information on various websites that to make it harder for 'victims' to get rid of. Simone Rafael from the anti-Nazi website Netz-Gegen-Nazis said the new outlet that it was good "to remove the [Nazi] filth from the Net for a few days".
Video Release By Anonymous:-