8 Jan 2012

Israel Vows To Treat Hackers Like Terrorists

Few days ago Group-XP, A hacker group from Saudi Arabia has stolen more than 400K Israeli Credit Cards. 0xOmar a hacker from Group-XP told "We decided to give the world a new year gift". Now Govt. is taking it very seriously. Israel has said that it will respond to cyber-attacks the same way it responds to violent terrorist acts. A hacker named OxOmar has claimed responsibility for the hack and information leak. The man claims to be from Saudi Arabia, but reports suggest that OxOmar (Omar Habib) may be a 19-year-old living in Mexico. Credit card companies say at least 6,000 valid cards have been exposed.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told Such cyber-attacks are "a breach of sovereignty comparable to a terrorist operation, and must be treated as such. Israel has active capabilities for striking at those who are trying to harm it, and no agency or hacker will be immune from retaliatory action,".
 “The US has announced that any attack on its cybernetic space would be considered a declaration of war, and that it would go as far as firing missiles to respond to such an attack. This is a good criterion for us all,” the deputy FM added later.

“If a stupid student thinks he can find me (within) 8 hours of work, what will Mossad do? But I'm still here and no one can find me, make sure, no worries,” said 0xOmar of Group-XP.

-Source (ITP.net)