6 Feb 2012

Anonymous Released Sensitive Conference Call Between FBI & Scotland Yard

Anonymous Released Sensitive Conference Call Between FBI & Scotland Yard

Hacktivist Anonymous continuing their F**k Friday rampage. In the last Friday they have recorded & released a sensitive conference call between the FBI and Scotland Yard. The group released a roughly 15-minute-long recording of what appears to be a Jan. 17 conference call devoted to tracking and prosecuting members of the loose-knit hacking group and its spinoff group LulzSec. FBI source said that "The information was intended for law enforcement," the source also told that those responsible will be held accountable. 
The authenticity of the recording could not be immediately verified and it's unclear how the hacking group obtained it. Names of some of the suspects being discussed were apparently edited from the recording. "The information was illegally obtained and a criminal investigation is underway," FBI spokesman Tim Flannelly told FoxNews.com. He did not provide any additional details.
If authentic, the discussion itself appears quite sensitive. Those on the call talk about what legal strategy to pursue in the cases of Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis -- two British suspects linked to Anonymous -- and discuss details of the evidence gathered against other suspects "We've set back arrests of Kayla and T-flow until we know what's happening," 
In a pastebin Anon also released a email titled "Anon-Lulz International Coordination Call" with with all the email-ids of FBI & Scotland Yard officers, time, Access Code and detailed time. In their twitter AnoymousIRC said "The FBI might be curious how we're able to continuously read their internal comms for some time now." 
Anon made the conference call available for download in mp3 and also released a YouTube video