23 Feb 2012

Kim Dotcom - Megaupload Founder Released On Bail

Kim Dotcom - Megaupload Founder Released On Bail 
Kim Dotcom Founder of one of the most popular file shearing websites Megaupload finally released on bail. Due to lack of money judge grant his bail on Wednesday. He was arrested for violating anti piracy act. Last month, U.S. authorities shut down Megaupload's websites and announced indictments against Dotcom and six other people connected to the site, accusing them of operating an "international organized criminal enterprise responsible for massive worldwide online piracy of copyrighted works." All these stuffs took place as an output of the recently issued Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). They say Megaupload generated more than $175 million in illegal profits through advertising revenue and the sale of premium memberships. The New Zealand police arrested Dotcom, a German citizen who has residency in New Zealand and Hong Kong, and the other three at the U.S. government's request. 
Hactivist Anonymous performed massive cyber attack (Claimed one of the largest attack ever) while protesting against Megaupload shutdown issue. They have declared operation Megaupload and engaged cyber attack to DOJ, FBI, & many other fedral authorities websites & Govt websites. But Megaupload's lawyers have denied the charges which online hacktivist have rallied to the site's defense.