Mozilla Patches Security Hole In Firefox 10
Mozilla released security patch which closes eight security holes in Firefox 10, among those 8 vulnerabilities, 6 are very critical which is company's highest threat rank and two are considered as "high". One of the vulnerability, which has been cured via Firefox 10, exposed users to cross-site scripting (XSS) attack as the browser fails to run security scan on untrusted scripting objects, as stated by the company. The update also works on other bugs which forces the browser to crash.
According to
Mozilla's official website, "The fix enables the Script Security Manager (SSM) to force security checks on all frame scripts." The company also claimed that Firefox 10 has a number of features important for developers. However, for the users there is one noticeable change which is the ability of the browser to mark automatically almost all the add-ons that are compatible with every upgrade.
To Download Firefox 10 Click Here
-Source (Mozilla)
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