PlayStation 3 Italy Hacked & Database Exposed By SoveReign & Shad0wfiend (THA)
Two hackers named SoveReign & Shad0wfiend from The Hackers Army has breached the security PlayStation 3 Italy server. The y have the hacked the official website (later restored) and also exposed the database. In a open post on pasti the hacked database made available by the hacker where they have included several credentials like server details, db tables, columns, admin IP and other user credentials.
Earlier hackers of THA has hacked the official website of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Karnataka, President of Guyana, Several Indian Embassy Site and so on. Before that Tha Disastar has hacked and defaced the It was one of the important site of Hacktivist Anonymous. Not only that he also performed a massive DDoS attack on Hacktivist site and as a result the site was remain offline for a long time.