Serv-U FTP Server Added In RHEL Catalog As A Secure File Transfer Application & Will Also Support Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mint
Red Hat enhancing more security in RHEL. After RhinoSoft joined the Red Hat partner program as an independent software vendor soon
Serv-U FTP Server was added to the official Red Hat Linux
product catalog as a secure file transfer application. Not only Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Serv-U will also supports
Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mint, CentOS and the
Amazon Linux AMI for its
EC2 cloud computing deployment.
"When we ported Serv-U to Linux last year it gave Linux administrators new capabilities like web-based administration,
mobile transfers and integration with third-party portals," said RhinoSoft President Mark Peterson. "This year we reaffirmed our commitment to the Linux community by aligning with its largest platform provider."
"Our solutions make secure file transfer affordable to businesses, especially those facing budget challenges," said RhinoSoft VP of Product Management Jonathan Lampe. "Supporting Serv-U on a wide variety of platforms helps our customers save money through reduced training and overhead costs."
Brief About RhinoSoft:-
RhinoSoft is the global leader in affordable file transfer, with more than
90,000 business customers, including nine of the Fortune 10, in 90 different countries. Its award-winning and
U.S. Department of Defense-certified Serv-U FTP Server and
FTP Voyager client products support
FTP, SFTP, FTPS and web-based
HTTP/S transfers over
FIPS 140-2 validated channels while continuing to incorporate emerging technologies such as
mobile computing, IPv6, native 64-bit computing and UTF-8/Unicode internationalization.
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