22 Feb 2012

Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) 3.0 Codenamed #WeThrowBaseballs Released

Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) 3.0 Codenamed #WeThrowBaseballs Released
Earlier we have discussed many times about Social Engineer Toolkit also known as SET. Yet again the developer officially released the updated version of Social Engineer Toolkit Version 3 codename “#WeThrowBaseballs”. According to the developer- This release has been one of the most challenging ones thus far with the largest changelog, code rehaul, and features. Earlier all the version ware made for Unix & Linux platform in this release they have also made SET available for Windows Platform. 
1. Support for Windows – Tested on XP, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. Note that the Metasploit-based payloads to not work yet – when SET detects Windows they will not be shown only RATTE and SET Shell
2. New attack vector added – QRCode Attack – Generates QRCodes that you can direct to SET and perform attacks like the credential harvester and Java Applet attacks
3. Improved A/V avoidance on the SETShell and better performance. I’ve also fixed the non-encrypted communications when AES was not installed
4. Added a number of improvements and enhancements to all aspects of SET including major rehauls of the coding population and moved from things like subprocess.Popen(“mv etc.”) to shutil.copyfile(“etc”)
5. Rehauled SET Interactive Shell and RATTE to support Windows
6. New Metasploit exploits added to SET

Official change log and rest of other details can be found on the blog post of the developer. To Download Social Engineer Toolkit 3.0 Click Here