THC-HYDRA Updated Version 7.2 Released
Earlier we have discussed many times about THC-HYDRA. Now the developer officially released the updated version of the world's one of the most fastest login cracker Ver 7.2. This tool is a proof of concept code, to give researchers and security consultants the possibility to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system. It was tested to compile cleanly on Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris, FreeBSD and OSX. Additional information can be found here
Official Change Log:-
- Speed-up http modules auth mechanism detection
- Fixed -C colonfile mode when empty login/passwords were used (thanks to will(at)configitnow(dot)com for reporting)
- The -f switch was not working for postgres, afp, socks5, firebird and ncp, thanks to Richard Whitcroft for reporting!
- Fixed NTLM auth in http-proxy/http-proxy-url module
- Fixed URL when being redirected in http-form module, thanks to gash(at)chaostreff(dot)at
- Fix MSSQL success login condition, thanks to whistle_master(at)live(dot)com
- Fix http form module: optional headers and 3xx status redirect, thx to Gash
- Fix in configure script for –prefix option, thanks to dazzlepod
- Update of the dpl4hydra script by Roland Kessler, thanks!
- Small fix for hydra man page, thanks to brad(at)comstyle(dot)com
To Download THC-HYDRA 7.2 Click Here
