Apple Closes Security Hole & Released 5.1.4 of Safari Web-browser
Apple closes major security hole and released 5.1.4 of its Safari web browser for Windows and Mac OS X. According to Apple, the maintenance and security update addresses more than 80 vulnerabilities. The update also includes includes various stability and performance improvements as well as fixes for other non-security related bugs. With this release the company also promises an 11 percent boost in JavaScript performance, among other things. A majority of the security holes closed in 5.1.4 were found in the WebKit browser engine used by Safari. These include several cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-origin and HTTP authentication problems, as well as numerous memory corruption bugs that could be exploited by an attacker, for example, to cause unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.
Important Changes:-
- Improve JavaScript performance up to 11% over Safari 5.1.3*
- Improve responsiveness when typing into the search field after changing network configurations, or with an intermittent network connection
- Address an issue that could cause webpages to flash white when switching between Safari windows
- Address issues that prevented printing U.S. Postal Service shipping labels and embedded PDFs
- Preserve links in PDFs saved from webpages
- Fix an issue that could make Flash content appear incomplete after using gesture zooming
- Fix an issue that could cause the screen to dim while watching HTML5 video
- Improve stability, compatibility, and startup time when using extensions
- Allow cookies set during regular browsing to be available after using Private Browsing
- Fix an issue that could cause some data to be left behind after pressing the “Remove All Website Data” button
For additional information you can prefer to visit Apple official site. TO Download Safari 5.1.4 Click Here. We also like to give you reminder that last moth Apple released the Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Developer Preview
