CSS Corp- Global Information & Communication Technology Services Hacked By LulzSec
LulzSec Reborn the newly formed hacker group who are claiming to be a part of hacktivist Anonymous strikes again. Yesterday the have hacked into the data base of MilitarySingles.com and exposed more than 163,792 user details including names, usernames, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and passwords. Now they have find their second target and that is CSS Corp (Global Information & Communication Technology Services). In a pastebin release they hacker group who are claiming to be infamous Lulzsec or in other word modified Lulz have posted entire email database of CSS Corp. Also they have leaked details (Email-id, Full name, user name, mobile number) several CSS users. Here’s what the group tweeted via the Twitter account lulzboatR, which now has over 2,000 followers. Still it is unclear that is it really the come back of Lulzsec or Lulz Security because the twitter account LulzSec is still silent and lulzsecurity.com is still down. And also if LulzSec Reborn is the revised Lulzsec then what about 1st April declaration made by FawkesSecurity. So here again it fully depends on you that will you trust these newly formed groups or just let them go.
