10K+ Websites Infected In Ongoing Mass SQL Injection Attack
Security experts of Webroot has confirmed that another mass SQL-Injection attack is currently underway. According to the blog post of Webroot "Hundreds of thousands of legitimate web sites are currently affected in a a mass SQL injection attack that has been ongoing for the past several months. The ongoing mass SQL injection attacks, are directly related to last year’s scareware-serving Lizamoon mass SQL injection attacks. The cyber criminals behind it, are automatically exploiting the legitimate web sites, and embedding a tiny script on the affected pages, abusing an input validation flaw, or exploiting vulnerable and outdated versions of the web application software running on them."
The campaign is currently consisting of 5 SQL injected domains parked on a single IP hosted within the Russian Federation. Parked at (AS56697, LISIK-AS OOO “Byuro Remontov “FAST”) are the following domains participating in the mass SQL injection attack:
hjfghj.com/r.php – According to Google, 323,000 sites are affected
fgthyj.com/r.php – According to Google, 390,000 sites are affected
gbfhju.com/r.php – According to Google, 74,200 sites are affected
statsmy.com/ur.php – According to Google, 3,080,000 sites are affected
stmyst.com/ur.php – According to Google, 1,320,000 sites are affected
All of these domains have been registered by the same cybercriminal/gang, using identical WHOIS records:
James Northone jamesnorthone@hotmailbox.com
+1.5168222749 fax: +1.5168222749
128 Lynn Court
Plainview NY 11803
Thankfully, all of these domains are currently returning a “404 Not Found” error message, with the cybercriminals behind the campaign, attempting to cover their tracks. Earlier in 2011 we have also seen such scenario when 614,000 webpages comromised with mass ASP.NET Infection, also Willysy malware Infects More than 6 Million WebSites, Lilupophilupop Attack took 1 Million+ Web-pages and so on. Even in last month we have seen more than 200,000 websites get compromised with fake anti-virus exploit. There is no ready made solution for such attacks or vulnerabilities because we all know that "Security is an Illusion", but still the site Admin & webmasters should became more conscious and try to avoid silly programming mistakes, should keep their systems up-to-date and use antivirus software.
