Anonymous China Rampage Continues- Chinese Defense Contractor & 500 Govt Websites Compromised
Hacker collective Anonymous started massive cyber attack against Chines cyber space. So far they have blown more than five hundred of high profile Chines websites. Among them there are many government and commercial sites. “Your government controls the Internet in your country and strives to filter what it considers a threat for it. Be careful.” This was the message from the hacker group Anonymous to the Chinese people after they hacked numerous Chinese local government websites this week. On March 30th the group, posted on a new “Anonymous China” Twitter account : “Anonymous China arrived, see the Government defaces and Leaks :).” Later, a list of over 480 defaced websites was posted on the Twitter feed, including five dot gov dot CN sites. These are all Chinese government websites. last Tuesday, Anonymous China announced their latest hack via Twitter, indicating that Tongcheng Environmental Protection, a Chinese government environmental protection website, had been hacked. In a Pastebin release Anonymous China leaked website information. The full list of attacked domains posted on Pastebin has now reached 501 after rising in recent days, some of which were defaced more than once after Chinese officials regained control.
According to an exclusive report of Reuters- A hacker has posted thousands of internal documents he says he obtained by breaking into the network of a Chinese company with defense contracts. The hacker, who uses the name Hardcore Charlie and said he was a friend of Hector Xavier Monsegur, the leader-turned- informant of the activist hacking group, LulzSec, told that he got inside Beijing-based China National Import & Export Corp (CEIEC). He posted documents ranging from purported U.S. military transport information to internal reports about business matters on several file-sharing sites, but the authenticity of the documents could not be independently confirmed. The Beijing company, better known by the acronym, CEIEC, did not respond to a request for comment. U.S. intelligence and Department of Defence officials had no immediate comment. CEIEC's website says the company performs systems integration work for the the Chinese military. Hardcore Charlie said that he had worked with others to crack the email passwords that got him inside CEIEC.
