26 Apr 2012

FBI Raided Anonymous Spokesman Barrett Brown's Apartment

FBI Raided Anonymous Spokesman Barrett Brown's Apartment 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the apartment of Barrett Brown, the unofficial “spokesperson” for the hacker collective Anonymous. The warrants allowed the Feds to search for records relating to Anonymous, LulzSec, HBGary, Infragard, Endgame Systems, IRC chats, Twitter, Brown’s website Echelon2.org and and Pastebin records, amongst other things. Basically, anything on any data-storing device owned by Brown. In a pastebin note Brown himself posted this thing. 
Brown, of course, is not a hacker, but as a visible proponent of Anonymous, he’s an easy target for the Feds. In his Pastebin statement, however, Brown hit back at the federal government, independent security firms and big business in very interesting way—he brought up the corporate-government anti-hacking axis Team Themis. For anyone well-versed in the Greek pantheon of gods, you will remember Themis is the female goddess of law, justice and social control. It’s not for nothing that Team Themis would choose the goddess’s name for their vigilante form of justice, by which private entities—security firms and businesses—have launched an extra-judicial campaign against their enemies.
According to Brown's note - "With the assistance of the law firm Hunton & Williams, [Team Themis] went about collecting potential clients, including two institutions which desired to go on the offensive against certain activist groups. One of these institutions, the Chamber of Commerce, provided them with the names of various individuals believed to be involved with groups that opposed their policies, and asked them to come up with a plan by which to discredit them." Full statement of Brown can be found here.
We would also like to give you reminder that the last operation of FBI was the arrest of Higinio O. Ochoa III, a member of Anon affiliated 'CabinCr3w'.