NASA Technical Reports Server, Encyclopedia Britannica & Dhaka Stock Exchange is Vulnerable
A 15 years ethical hacker from India named Akshay code name "0z0n3" find out non-persistent cross site scripting vulnerability in three very high profile websites. Those are the official website of NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS), Encyclopedia Britannica, & Dhaka Stock Exchange. Earlier he has found out XSS vulnerability in the official website of National Geographic. The vulnerability details have already been reported to the web-masters and immediately Dhaka Stock Exchange & Encyclopedia Britannica has fixed those security holes but the vulnerability status of NASA Technical Reports Server (A Sub-domain of NASA) is unpatched. To know the vulnerable link click here. If you dig the history you will find that previously NASA was hit many times by the hackers from different part of the world Such as Spamers targeted NASA, TeaMp0isoN hacked NASA official forum, Chinese Hackers hit NASA satellites, Indian hacker minhal stole secrete information from NASA, Code Smasher has found CSRF vulnerability in the official website of Virtual Heliospheric Observeatory NASA and so on. Though the vulnerability in Encyclopedia Britannica & DSE is fixed, still the below screen-shots will clarify the fact.
-:Encyclopedia Britannica:-
-:Dhaka Stock Exchange:-
