24 Apr 2012

Pastie.org - Popular Online Paste Tool Under DDoS Attack

Pastie.org - Popular Online Paste Tool Under DDoS Attack  

Popular online paste tool Pastie faced massive cyber attack. Last night an un-named hacker performed distributed denial of service attack twice which immediately send the website offline. Most probably the attack was generated from a botnet. "To protect it's network and other customers Rails Machine has decided to no longer host and sponsor the site. I did not see this coming and did not expect my hosting company to just pull the plug so quickly. I'm in the middle of RailsConf 2012 right now but working on a migration plan to deal with this..." said official spokesman of Pastie. The site is still not performing 

The above screen shot is taken from the index page. Earlier we have such scenario when  Pastebin, another widely paste tool faced DDoS attack and in counter measure authorities blocked 20K IP address.