29 Apr 2012

VMWare Source Code Was Stolen at The Time of CEIEC Breach

VMWare Source Code Was Stolen at The Time of CEIEC Breach 

In the official blog VMWare, the visualization software company has revealed that a hacker associated with hacktivist calling himself "Hardcore Charlie" has stolen at least one and possibly many more source files for its software - and has begun posting them on line. VMware on Tuesday announced that a single file from its ESX server hypervisor source code has been posted online, and it held out the possibility that more proprietary files could be leaked in the future. The fact that the source code may have been publicly shared does not necessarily mean that there is any increased risk to VMware customers, Said by VMWare official. Earlier we covered that Hardcore Charlie claimed to breach China NationalElectronics Import-Export Corporation (CEIEC), based in Beijing, he got inside CEIEC and posted documents ranging from purported U.S. military transport information to internal reports about business matters on several file-sharing sites, but the authenticity of the documents could not be independently confirmed. Hacker Charlie' claims to have found program files for virtualisation software on CEIEC. In a conversation with Kaspersky Lab, the hacker claimed to have 300MB of VMWare source code. 
The hacker also claimed to have cracked cryptographic hashes on the credentials of hundreds of thousands of sina.com email accounts with the help of another hacker, who goes by the name of @Yamatough and who is thought to have been involved in the distribution of documents suggesting that the Indian government had put in monitoring systems for Nokia, RIM and Apple smartphones. The companies all denied the claim, and the documents were later shown to be faked.
VMWare insisted that the code dated back to 2003-04, though it did not say whether that section of the code had been changed since then. "We will continue to provide updates to the VMware community if and when additional information is available," said Iain Mulholland, director of VMware's security response centre in a statement. VMWare didn't indicate whether its own systems had been breached, and seemed to widen the number of potential targets to include commercial partners.  
Like VMWare, a hacker group named The Lords of Dharmaraja has managed to steal the source code of Norton anti-virus, Symantec. There also hacker leaked the source code and hacktivist Anonymous take the responsibility of the entire phenomena