1 May 2012

Greece Under Cyber-Attack, Ministry & Telecom Service Provider Hacked By KHS

Greece Under Cyber-Attack, Ministry & Telecom Service Provider Hacked  By KHS

Now a days Greece is facing several cyber attacks, first it was hacker collective Anonymous who carried denial of service attack on Greece Ministry to bring down Ministry of Justice. Now another infamous hacker group named Kosova Hacker Security (KHS) engaged massive cyber attack on Greek fence. This attack also dubbed "Operation Greek" which causes serious damage for Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion, OTE- Greek Telecom Service and so on. The hack on OTE exposed more than 10K user credentials along with the Admin details. All the hacked databases can be found on the official forum of KHS named Cyber-Hell. According to KHS this attack is a counter attack or in other word tit for tat of Greek hackers who hacked few Albanian websites. KHS also vows to engage cyber-war while saying "if Greece don't stop their activity then they will see the worst day in the Internet..."
Earlier this group has carried several cyber attack on Ukraine, Israel and so on