Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) Under DDoS Attack
Hacker performed massive denial of service attack to take down the official website of UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). Last night cyber criminals sent large number of data packets by which they managed to send SOCA offline. SOCA authority confirmed that they have suffered a DDoS attack which interrupts their services. A spokesman said the site was taken offline at 22:30 on Wednesday, but that the attack did not "pose a security risk to the organisation". The exact reason of this attack is unclear but it can be predicated that either Soca's movement on closing down 36 websites believed to be selling stolen credit card information may caused this DDoS attack. “The SOCA DDoS attack is probably related to the carder site takedowns last week,” F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer Mikko Hypponen wrote on Twitter.Experts are also highlighting another reason which may have influenced hacktivist to engage this cyber attack and that is the Supreme Court's decession on blocking The Pirate Bay in UK . What ever this is the second time in less than a year that SOCA's website has found itself the target of malicious attackers, having previously suffered from a DDoS attack at the hands of the notorious LulzSec gang in June 2011.
