11 Indian Government Website Hacked & Infected With Malware By DaiLexX (KSC)
Hackers targeted the server of Mizoram Government and defaced more than ten gov.in domains hosted on that server. An Albanian hacker code named "DaiLexX" from a newly formed hacker community named "Kosova Security Crew" took responsibility of this hack. As per sources, the hacker managed to get access on that server and defaced the index page of eleven Indian government websites including official website of Agriculture, Prison, Tender, Social welfare, Land revenue and few more sites of Mizoram Government. Many of the deface pages showing malware warning which clearly indicates that the hacker has injected some kind of malicious codes & virus on his page as well as in the server. The appropriate reason of this hack is unknown though the message of the hacker on the deface page is saying "Protected by Kosova Security Crew, It is protected not hacked :) don't hate me..."
As per my view this message is completely irrelevant as he not only defaced the index page but also infected those with malware. The list of all the hacked sites, deface mirrors & hacker's message can be found on a pastebin release by the hacker.
