'Operation Godfather'- Hackers Breached UAE's Internet Filtering System
A hacker code named "Isac" affiliated by hacktivist Anonymous claims to have had administrative access to UAE's internet filter systems. The hacker also took responsibility for leaking a list of 24,000 websites that are blocked in the UAE at the beginning of July. The alleged UAE hack was conducted under the name 'Operation Godfather'. On Sunday, Isac released a list of thousands of website addresses which are blocked in Yemen.
Isac said that the alleged hack had been carried out on June 26. "I found the vulnerability a few months before," he said. "I had full admin access. I basically had control over the internet of every single user of du." The claims could not be independently verified. In a statement, du said that it had no further comment beyond that which was already stated by the TRA. The TRA said on July 8 that the maintenance of the proxy server, which filters internet use, was the responsibility of Etisalat and du.
"TRA approached both [internet service providers] to confirm the that there was no attempts of any kind of breaches to the proxy systems and they have both confirmed that the systems are not affected nor hacked or breached," the TRA said in a statement at the time. Isac said that there was no grudge against the UAE that prompted the alleged attack. "I'm currently working on other countries that censor," he said. "It's more of a hack anything you can sort of approach. "I don't have a personal vendetta against UAE or anything. I just have a problem with censorship."
-Source (THE National)

Internet Filtering System
Operation Godfather