Hackers Shutdown Several Swedish Government Websites (#OpFreeAssange)
Operation Free Assange dubbed '#OpFreeAssange' continues. After British Home Office, Ministry of Justice and Hertfordshire Police now the supporter of WikiLeaks have targeted several Swedish government websites. As expected here also the attacker follows the same mechanism and that is massive denial of service (DDoS), which effected the websites of the Swedish government portal, Armed Forces and the Swedish Institute. Niklas Englund, head of digital media at the Swedish Armed Forces, said it was unclear who was behind the so-called denial-of-service attacks, in which websites are overwhelmed with bogus traffic. But he noted that an unidentified group urging Sweden to take its ‘‘hands off Assange’’ claimed responsibility on Twitter. So far it is not clear whether the hacker is linked with infamous hacker collective group Anonymous. But we all know that not only Anon, but also hackers from different part of the world has already joined #OpFreeAssange. This protest has becoming wilder day by day as activist are hitting hundreds & thousands of websites based on Europe, mainly UK everyday.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been sheltering at Ecuador’s Embassy in Britain since June 19 in an effort to avoid extradition to Sweden, where prosecutors want to question the founder of the secret-spilling WikiLeaks site over alleged sex crimes.