Sony Playstaion Vita is Vulnerable to Hacking !!
Sony has always been the worst luck when it has come to hacking and preventing themselves from victimizing their system. Today a Gaming community named 'NeoGAF' said Sony's Playstaion Vita has allegedly been hacked. According to a coder and developer Yifan Lu there is a weakness that could lead to the hacking of the Vita. Yifanlu started a new project called Usermode Vita Loader (UVLoader), it will be a homebrew loader for the PSV, basically. The project is allegedly based on a PS Vita exploit found by Yifan Lu, but no details have been revealed. At this stage only a few lines of code have been written. Being in such an early stage, there is no release date and it doesn't work, but Yifan Lu is actively seeking developers to assist in the project. Lu said he would be updating details on his personal blog.
Almost anyone who is involved or knows of the gaming & security industry knows that the relation between Sony and hackers are not healthy at all. Since last year the battle between hacktivist Anonymous, Lulzsec and Sony is running. Hackers have penetrated Sony's PSN network and stolen millions of user personal information. Later Sony was forced to shutdown its entire network & apologized for the whole massacre. Not only PSN, also Sony Online Entertainment, Sony Pictures, Several Sony's official website from different countries fallen victim to the hackers. Even last month hackers from Anonymous claimed to have breached PSN once again which affected more than 10 million users. Later Sony denies the hack.
