Several Bangladeshi Govt Sites Along With Uninor Bangladesh & Few College Sites Hacked By Sen Haxor
After a long time yet again Bangladeshi cyber fence is facing cyber attacks from India. This time a young Indian hacker named Sen Haxor targeted several high profile Bangladeshi websites. Among them there are four Bangladeshi Govt sites which have fallen victim to this cyber attack. Those sites are National Mushroom Development & Extension Centre, Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC), Govt. Bangla College & Rangpur Zonal Settelment Official Web-portal. Not only Govt website, also the hacker hit the official website of many Bangladeshi Colleges and defaced the index page. Those colleges are Comilla Victoria Govt. College, Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College, Ashuganj Sar Karkhana College, CHITTAGONG MODEL SCHOOL & COLLEGE, Birganj College & Panchbari Mahabiddyalay. The story is not over yet, in this phase of cyber attack also penetrated Uninor Bangladesh GPCIC. In a pastebin note the hacker has released the full database, including usernames, password hash & other several login credentials. Though the reason of this hack is not relevant but still in the deface page the hacker represented this hack as a payback of the last Indo-BD cyber war which took place in February this year.

cyber attack
cyber war
Govt Sites
Indian Hacker