Facebook Launched 'Photo Sync' Automatic Photo Uploading Feature for Android & iOS
The social networking giant Facebook announced that it started rolling out Photo Synchronization, in order to add more mobility and ease of use. According to Facebook Newsroom -the new Photo Sync will make photo sharing easier. With this feature, photos from your phone sync automatically to a private album on the web. When you want to share these photos, just pick and post your favorites. If you turn this feature on, up to 2GB of photos from your phone can be synced automatically to a private album on Facebook, from which you can then pick your favorites to share with your friends. It’s important to note that Facebook isn’t launching new Android and iOS apps today. The feature is already included, but the company is turning it on for more and more users, starting with a big push today. To turn the feature on in the Facebook app (if you have an iPhone, iOS 6 is required), tap Photos and then tap Sync at the bottom of your photos section. Once the uploads start coming in, you can check them out and share them via the app, on the mobile Web, or on your computer (go to your Timeline, click Photos, and click “Synced From Phone” at the top of your photos section). To save on the limited amount of space, you can stop photos from being synced by deleting them. In the app, that’s the “Remove synced photo” option once you pick a photo in the Synced section, and on your computer that’s the Delete option when you’re in the “Synced From Phone” folder. The good news is that deleting a photo from your synced photos won’t delete it from your phone’s gallery.
That’s right, you can turn photo syncing on or off, but you can also choose to sync over Wi-Fi only. Normally, when you’re on a cellular network like 3G or 4G, Facebook will sync photos at a smaller size (around 100K each), so they’re unlikely to use much of your data plan. Over a Wi-Fi connection, Facebook will sync larger versions of your photos. The best part: photos will not sync when your battery is low.
Get the latest Facebook app for Android or iPhone to try it out. Learn more at Facebook.com/mobile or visit the Help Center.
-Source (TNW & FB)

Photo Sync
Social Network