Microsoft Security Advisory (2794220) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Internet Explorer Fixed
The Redmond based software giant Microsoft issued an urgent security advisory to address vulnerabilities in its popular web-browser that is Internet Explorer. Few of days new “zero day” security hole in IE was discovered which could potentially allow hackers to take over control of your system when all you've done is visit an infected website. The vulnerability affects IE versions 6, 7 and 8. Though the latest versions of the browser, that means IE 9 and 10, are not affected. “An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain the same user rights as the current user.” Microsoft said in its statement. The statement went on to say, “an attacker could host a website that contains a webpage that is used to exploit this vulnerability. In addition, compromised websites and websites that accept or host user-provided content or advertisements could contain specially crafted content that could exploit this vulnerability.”
On its advisory Microsoft first issued warning of the problem, which involves how IE accesses "an object in memory that has been deleted or has not been properly allocated." The problem corrupts the browser's memory, allowing attackers to execute their own code. Security vendor Symantec described such a scenario as a "watering hole" attack, where victims are profiled and then lured to the malicious site. Last week, one of the websites discovered to have been rigged to delivered an attack was that of the Council on Foreign Relations, a renowned foreign policy think tank.
While talking about IE and its bugs, then we would like to remind you that couple of weeks ago, a website analytics firm has discovered a security vulnerability in all current versions of Internet Explorer that allows attackers to trace mouse cursors anywhere on users' screens even if the Internet Explorer window is minimized. That time the software giant ignored that particular issue. But here they take this one bit seriously; So if you still using the older and affected version of IE, then its time to update your browser, in order to stay safe and secure on the Internet. To update your browser or to access the security fix click Here.

Security Patch