Aaron Swartz Will be Honored With Posthumous 'Freedom of Information' Award
Well-known Internet activist and Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz who committed suicide earlier this year causing a havoc temblor in the cyber domain. The reason behind his suicide was mainly disgrace, for which he would face a trail for an alleged cyber crime counts for downloading and publishing roughly 4 million academic journal articles from the database JSTOR. Before the day of his court trial; Swartz, a political activist and computer programmer, reportedly hanged himself last week in his Brooklyn apartment. After this mishap a massive protest came from several part of the world which really arises question against the law and order and the justice system. Along with this, the name of Swartz have been linked with many controversies like being linked with WikiLeaks and so on. What ever, today the entire world of activists will be pleased after hearing that Aaron Swartz is slated to receive posthumous recognition in Washington for his efforts promoting free access to taxpayer-funded research. The James Madison Freedom of Information Award is administered by the American Library Association, and recognizes "individuals who have championed, protected and promoted public access to government information and the public’s right to know national information." The award will be presented by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), a strong advocate for digital rights in Congress who rallied in support of Swartz shortly after his suicide in January. Swartz had faced charges under the decades-old Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for downloading a large amount of academic research articles from the JSTOR database at MIT. But despite MIT dropping its own charges, the government pursued a criminal case against Swartz which some evidence suggests was politically motivated and subject to prosecutorial overreach.
Lofgren, a Democratic congresswoman who represents Silicon Valley, will present the award to his family during a ceremony at Newseum's Knight Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Lofgren, who received the award last year for her efforts to ensure public access to government information, has introduced legislation to reform computer fraud laws linked to his death. The award will be accepted by Swartz's family this Friday at the Newseum in Washington, DC.
-Source (The Verge & Cnet)

Aaron Swartz
Freedom of Information