VOGH Exclusive: Israel Hit By Demolishing Cyber Attack From Anonymous Caused $3 Billion Damage (#OpIsrael)
The past 7th April will be unforgettable for Israeli cyber space, yes it was no doubt the black day for Israel, when the World's largest hacker group "Anonymous" with help of several other hackers communities caused ruin while bringing down almost all the Israeli Government websites, along with more that 100,000 other important Israeli websites, 40,000 Facebook pages, 5,000 Twitter accounts and 30,000 bank accounts belonging to Israeli people. The hacker group not only demolished the cyber space of Israel, but also caused a loss of 3 billion USD. This never forgettable hacking rampage dubbed Operation Israel became the most devastating and venturesome hacking rampage ever happened to the Israeli cyber space. In the last week of March, it was dangerous hacker collective group Anonymous who called the operation widely known as #OpIsrael, where the hacker group vows to erase Israel from the Internet. And indeed the hacker group did that, According to several Israeli source, leading media outlets it has been confirmed that almost all the important sites owned by the Government of Israel have been either hacked and paralyzed. These sites include the site of the Israeli Police, Israeli Prime Minister, Bureau of Statistics, Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, Stock Market and the Israel Ministry of Defense and many more. Regardless of the amount of damage done, the scale of the attack is bound to be embarrassing for the Israeli government. This is the second time that Anonymous has successfully taken down Israeli government websites. The first #OpIsrael attack happened last November and affected Israeli cyber fence heavily. Like the last November, this time also the reaction of Israel Government was indifferent and unconcerned. Despite of what Anonymous's claims of massive damage to Israel, the country's cyber security officials say that the attack caused minimal damage. "So far it is as was expected, there is hardly any real damage," Yitzhak Ben Yisrael from the government's National Cyber Bureau told the press. "Anonymous doesn't have the skills to damage the country's vital infrastructure. And if that was its intention, then it wouldn't have announced the attack ahead of time. It wants to create noise in the media about issues that are close to its heart." This is more or less what Anonymous always does, often with varying levels of success.