Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Official Website Hacked By Dr41DeY (Nigerian Cyber Army)
A new young hacker going by the alias name of Dr41DeY, from a newly formed hackers community named Nigerian Cyber Army target a high profile website of Pakistan and blown the official website of Pakistan People's Party (PPP). As per relevant sources; this cyber attack taken place on November 30th where the hacker has managed to gain access on the server of PPP and after gaining access he deleted important files from the server and changed the site index page. In other word has defaced People's Party index page with the logo of Nigerian Cyber Army while leaving few warning to the webmaster. After the hack, the hacker has created what it called a image archive to prove the defacement. People's Party has not yet officially responded to this issue, but immediately after the hack taken place, PPP authorities have sent their site offline. And after few years the index page get restored while displaying the message of "Website is under Development, it will come live soon. Sorry for inconvenience". By the time of writing this story, the website of PPP remained under construction.
Brief About Pakistan People's Party (PPP):- The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is a mainstream political party in Pakistan. It is led by "life chairperson" Benazir Bhutto. The Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) is a party formed in 2002 by the PPP for the purpose of complying with electoral rules governing Pakistani parties. At the last legislative elections, 20 October 2002, the party won 25.8 % of the popular vote and 71 out of 272 elected members, thus gaining the second-largest number of seats in the Parliament of Pakistan. The party was founded in 1967, on November 30th and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became its first chairman. The party creed is: "Islam is our faith; democracy is our politics; socialism is our economy; all power to the people."